Instead of blogging about MY marathon and MY running and ME. I'm leaving Tuesday and today blank in honor of those who are suffering in the wake of hurricane Katrina. God bless them all.
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Sometimes life is tough. Sometimes life is awesome. Sometimes it a little bit of both. Either way, you have to keep going. I'll be running, laughing, crying and sharing it all here.
Instead of blogging about MY marathon and MY running and ME. I'm leaving Tuesday and today blank in honor of those who are suffering in the wake of hurricane Katrina. God bless them all.
What makes a real runner? It's a question many of us have asked ourselves in recent months as we train for our upcoming races. The concept is artisticly tied into many of your blog titles. (runner wanna be; i am not a runner; not born to run etc...) And the answer is so individual that only the runner herself (or himself) can find the answer.
Jeanne said she couldn't imagine running 6 on a treadmill. Well I want to tell her, I couldn't have done it without my little i-pod friend. (Memo to Matt:I'm completely and totally spoiled now, thanks, hunny!)
Call me a chicken, but I ran on the treadmill again tonight. Why? Because I freaked out and thought a thunderstorm was coming. It turns out the storm was actually moving AWAY from me, but whatever.
People, it looks like this marathon is possible afterall. Ok, I never had any doubts. (lielielie) But seriously I ran 16 miles (actually more like 16.5-17 because I got lost and had to retrack) this morning. I'm just out of the ice bath and shower and smell a lot better. Matt rode 16 miles as well. He did the first 8 kind of with me (he'd ride up a bit and wait) but after I showed him the way, he rode the rest of the ride full speed ahead and called me 30 minutes later to say he was finished. (Meanwhile, I still had 5 miles left!!!) Oh yes, I should add that we are huge dorks and had cell phones with us. And I loved running to the tunes. There were a couple of songs that seemed to play at just the right time to keep me motivated.
Last night I had the best intentions of waking up at 5 a.m., icing for 20, stretching for 10 and running by 5:30. I have an after-work event tonight to attend so I wanted to flip my running schedule. I was psyched. Sure enough, alarm went off at 4:30, snoozed twice and I was up and at 'em by 5. I was feeling pretty darned proud of myself. My plan was to take Tally for safety (I don't like the thought of running alone in the dark.) I got her all leashed up and headed outside.
It seems I am back on schedule. My mileage is behind where I need to be right now, but at least I'm running. Ran 4 miles tonight. Eliptical machined yesterday morning...
Yesterday, Matt purchased a new Gary Fisher Mountain Bike. Because he can't run (severe knee injury in army...6 knee surgeries.), he decided (partly inspired by his obsessed-with-running wife?) to get into cycling. Motivated by his new purchase and celebrating a shared day off during the weekend, we hit the road this morning for my 8-mile run together. Matt on bike and me on new insoles, we conquered a 4-mile loop twice. Everything for me went well. Of course it hurt. I'm used to that these days. But I made sure to take walking breaks when the pain peeked and kept it nice and steady/slow.
Who says money can't fix anything? It turns out all I now need to fix my problem is custom-made orthotics for my shoes?
I decided to run a bit tonight. I figured it would be good luck for my big sports doctor appointment tomorrow? The pain was still there but it felt REALLY good to run. I ran 3 miles and walked one. I could have run the last mile, but I brought Tally (my dog) and she was so hot we had to stop. Seriously, I thought I may have killed her for a second there.... Don't worry, we're both home, safe and sound. And now I'm just hoping that the doctor will say it's ok to hit the trails again this weekend!
I begin this post by thanking Derek Rose with The Carnival of Runners for allowing me to host this week.
Me: Matt, do you think it's realistic for me to even think about running this marathon with the painful run I just had?
First the good news: I ran. And I ran 11 miles.
Ok, only one demand, but Jeanne wanted to know how I was doing. Well, here's the scoop. I'm still really hurting/ankle/foot. I did one eliptical work out this week and then I just laid low with tons of icing and rest. I'm gearing up to try to run 16 miles on Sunday. (Wanted ONE more day to ice and rest) I will report back then. However, in the mean time, I would like to announce I will be hosting the carnival of runners on Monday, so if you have a race report, let me know. Thanks again for all support and thoughts.