Do any runners still read this blog?
Hello 'ello 'ello 'llo 'llo 'llo 'o 'o 'o....
I know this blog has taken a bit of a diversion from running, but if there are any readers who are runners with Garmin trainers, I have a question for you. I do still run, by the way. Almost more now that I have Gertie in the city. I just don't talk about it much. Well, because I've had more interesting things to talk about lately....
Anywho, I'm thinking about getting a Mac Book and want to know if anyone has encountered any compatibility problems with Garmins and Macs. I'd love to hear from you --- the good, bad and the ugly. Many thanks in advance!
I use Sports Tracks and it's not compatible with MAC.
I'm not much help but I'm a runner and still reading!
Thanks, Melissa. I'm glad someone is! :)
I use a garmin, but I don't synch it to my lappy. From what I've heard, there is trackrunner for mac+garmin. dunno how quality it is, though.
Personally, though, I would rather go without syncing software and have the ease of use of a Mac than use a PC and be able to sync any day. but then again, I am a mac girl...
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