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Onward Bound

Sometimes life is tough. Sometimes life is awesome. Sometimes it a little bit of both. Either way, you have to keep going. I'll be running, laughing, crying and sharing it all here.

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    Sunday, October 23, 2005

    Just running

    So this past week, I've been struggling with running. I can't seem to get into the groove again. I ran today and Wednesday and neither time deserves its own post. I am stil having some pain in my hamstring, quite a bit actually. I'm due for a new pair of shoes and I don't want to spend the money on them now. I think I need to put a heavy focus on cross-training and see if I can't whip myself into shape.

    I've been thinking about The Turkey Trot and while I'm not making any final decisions, I may not run it. Why? Because I kind of want to run for a little while, just to run, with no race in the future. I see racing in my future for sure, but for now, I may need to spend some time just running.

    Sunday, October 16, 2005


    The good thing about a first is that you always set a P.R., right? P.R. has multiple meanings to me because while in my running world, it means one thing, in my professional life, it means another. But all of that aside, I ran my first 5K today. Ok, so it wasn't my first ever, but I feel the need to wipe my previous slate clean from high school and college and start fresh. And because I don't have any official record of any other 5K times, I can do that. See me making up my own rules here? Well I am.

    Were you wanting me to share that time with you? Let me preface it with the fact that it wasn't fantastic. Please factor in my injury and the fact that I've run twice since the marathon. (Remember that little ordeal?) It was 32:35. Not bad in my mind. I REALLY wanted it to be 30:00. But I ran my little heart out. And, my first mile was 10:07, which I felt really, really good about. And my second split was 22:08, which again, wasn't bad.

    As I crossed the finish line, I felt a little pukey feeling and I coughed a little, but luckily, I DIDN'T PUKE!!!! Aren't we all proud of me for not puking?!

    So Matt came to cheer me on and then we went to breakfast. He told me to run fast so we could eat sooner. He also likes 5K's much better than marathons now and has encouraged me to take them up. They end a lot faster and he doesn't have to take me to the emergency room after. Eh, I can't blame him.

    If you have a chance, you should really check out the cause for this run. I cried when I was going through my race packet and reading about it. (Don't make fun of me!) Then I felt the little tears well up every time I saw the kids on the sidelines with signs that read, "Run for Abby."

    Thursday, October 13, 2005

    On the road again

    So yesterday, I hit the streets after work like a real runner again. Only, things still aren't back to 100 percent, but I'm just going forward, hoping they will be soon. Also, I have officially signed up for a 5K on Sunday and so I'm excited to say that I will have a real race report to share this weekend. Oh, and I ran 4 miles with my dog, if anyone is still counting.

    Tuesday, October 11, 2005

    Someone else's legs and my own cold

    I'm just wondering here, but who stole a non-runner's legs and put them on me during my 3-4 mile run on Saturday? It was crazy. I felt like I had legs of solid steel that wouldn't budge. Anyhow, at least I got out there and did it. Still felt quite a bit of pain around hamstring, so still taking it easy.

    I had planned to run today, but I am now conquering this awful cold virus. (Ha, I can run a marathon puking and I'm going to let a little cold get in my way?) Anyhow, I may be running in a 5k this weekend if I feel up to it. Details to come...

    Wednesday, October 05, 2005

    Itching feet

    First, I want to thank all of the folks who have taken the time to read my blog in the past few weeks. Your comments mean so much to me. Second, we have some other marathons coming up soon and I can't wait to hear about your experiences.

    Sorry for my brief hiatus. I needed some time to debrief and refocus on some things that kind of got pushed to the side during my training. So here are my updates:

    ~The hamstring is still hurting me. However, the pain has finally localized to one spot and is starting to subside. I can walk again properly.
    ~I haven't run or even used the eliptical machine because I really want my muscles to heal so they don't become reinjured. This has been killing me.
    ~I anticipate a return to running this weekend.
    ~I am looking for a half marathon to begin training for, possibly in late November. There is a fun event on November 20th that I am seriously considering for my come back race.
    ~My race pictures are up, but I don't like them because I feel like I look fat and weird with the knee brace on. I'm walking in a few.

    I need to catch up on everyone's blogs and I'm itching to start running again very soon.