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Onward Bound

Sometimes life is tough. Sometimes life is awesome. Sometimes it a little bit of both. Either way, you have to keep going. I'll be running, laughing, crying and sharing it all here.

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    Thursday, June 30, 2005

    Don't tell me to look on the bright side

    Somedays I wonder what am I trying to prove here. Here is my list of current complaints because that's the kind of mood I'm in.
    1. It was raining so I had to run on the treadmill
    2.I forgot my knee brace
    3. My knee hurt so bad, I could only run 2.5 miles
    4. I feel incredibly guilty about this
    5. I wonder how I'm ever going to make it 26.2

    Wednesday, June 29, 2005

    Switching it up a bit

    So last night I opted to skip my 3 mile run in order to offer my husband a non-tired, non-post-run me. (The post-run me usually konks out and eats up precious evening time cooling down, blogging and showering.) So there you have it. I skipped a run. Whoop de do. We had a very lovely evening together, which in my book, was time well spent.

    But wait...this morning (ah, you see, I'm no slacker!) I pulled myself out of bed at 5:15 a.m., to run at 5:45, when I decided the sun was up enough that I would feel safe. (I'm slightly neurotic about my safety.) Tally was a bit shaken from her usual morning routine, but seemed to adjust happily, tail wagging and all, when she saw me emerge in my running attire.

    I've forgotten how nice it is to run in the morning. And now that I know it gets light early enough, I might shake it up more often.

    This morning, I was feeling so enthusiastic that I decided to forgo my usual slow, but steady 11-12 min. mile pace, for a faster, slightly foreign pace that I must have stored within the confines of my muscles years ago when I attempted to run cross-country. Foreign is the word alright, I felt all sorts of speedy, but yet tired, clumsy and off-kilter. Tally didn't seem phase which makes me wonder if I was going any faster at all (I don't have a watch for running) and perhaps that it was my adjustment to the early run.

    Anyhow, it's over. Not quite 3 miles (fast run kicked my butt), but I must have done something right because I'm sweaty, hot and tired.

    Route: To the park and two laps at super-speedy (ha) pace; 3/4 lap at slower, normal, sane pace and 1/4 lap walk; from park to home at speedy pace.

    Number of rabbits attempted to chase: 2 (That was Tally's count. She wanted you to know.)

    Monday, June 27, 2005

    Monday Blahs...

    Well, I worked out, but barely. I walked Tally one mile (it was HOT.) And I eliptical trained for 20 minutes, followed by some free weights and squats. Oh well, tomorrow is a run day, and won't that be fun in the heat? I may have to visit the treadmill. Now I'm off for the real workout: the dishes. Ugh.

    Sunday, June 26, 2005

    Oh Pain...

    Last night I was miserable. This is so silly because I'm not even close to the level of training I will reach in a few weeks. The blister on my right foot popped during my run and it is all scabby and red looking. Matt told me to put alcohol on it. YOWIE. I refrained, but decided peroxide would be my best bet, followed by neosporin. I have red chafing marks under my arms — both sides.

    I stood up this morning and heard snap, crackle, pop — and it wasn't my breakfast cereal. Have I mentioned that I am no where close to where I need to be yet and I'm already complaining? This is the reality of my world right now.

    In other news, I spoke with Laura yesterday. Her toe is feeling better and she is considering jumping back into training in a few weeks. Even if she can't run the whole amount of distance, I think she could run some of it with me.

    One of the things that keeps me motivated is the rallying up of my friends for the day of the event. I'm really looking forward to everyone showing up and cheering me on. It's like planning a party!

    My friends Laura and Erin don't know this yet, but I have a favor to ask of them on the day of the event, based on her blog. (Thanks so much for detailed recap of your marathon, Running Chick!) If Laura doesn't run the marathon, I know she will be up to it, and obviously Erin can pretty much do anything. To be quite honest, Erin has the kind of energy I will probably need. Plus she will make me laugh, always. We'll see what they have to see about my big plans here...

    Saturday, June 25, 2005

    On The Lone Again

    I was really anticipating this morning's run after Laura broke her toe. Knowing how hard it was last week to run 9 (10), made it hard enough to think about 11. But 11 alone? That seemed daunting.

    So, I got a little bit of a later start than I had hoped. I dilly dallied on the computer with my gatorade and power bar this morning. Meaning, I hit the road at about 7:30 a.m., but I had to get gas and drive to my starting point. It was about 7:50ish by the time I got started.

    It was weird to run through my childhood neighborhood, as I actually began at my childhood elementary school! I remember thinking, ok, this is going to be a long run alone. It was warm when I began. The smells on the trail around my neighborhood haven't changed. I remember running on the path as an angsty teenager, so it was kind of fun to return as an adult.

    The sun was blazing. I had on sunscreen, but we will see how well it worked. There were several times when I saw walkers or bikers and I thought, "Why can't I be normal? Like them? This is insane."

    Other than that, all I can say is I ran for a long time. I had to use the bathroom at a park once and I refilled my gatorade with water once. There were a few lengthier walks than I would have hoped, but between my knee and the blisters that made a come back, I needed walking time. However, it dawned on me at one point, that the more I walked, the longer the whole thing would take, so I tried to keep the momentum up as much as possible.

    I celebrated my finish by visiting the swings at my old elementary school. You are never too old to swing.

    Thursday, June 23, 2005


    Ok, it's easy to say, "Oh, I'm going to train for a marathon." It's fun to create a blog and feel really nice every time you run. It's great to share your war stories with others you know are runners. And it's heavenly to bask in the awe other non-runners have toward your goal. But the reality is it's hard to make yourself stick to it.

    The temptations of defeat usually begin early. (If you are a morning runner, it begins when your alarm goes off) For me it was an e-mail at about 9:20 this morning.

    The e-mail read something like , "Hey, everyone we're going here to grab a beer after work. It's been a long week and we all need one." Um. Yah.

    So, I think, Oh, that would be great. But no, it dawns on me, I have to be outside running 3 miles in 90 degree weather while my colleagues are downing ice cold $1.50 beers. Ah, it's all about sacrifices.

    Meanwhile, Tally and I completed a succesful 3 miles. I brought the water bottle, which I usually don't do on shorter runs, but it was too hot for her not to have any. Now we are going to lie on the couch and watch T.V.

    The Route: Same 'ole: To the park...4 laps...apartment

    Tally is a trooper. She just ran 3 miles. Posted by Hello

    Wednesday, June 22, 2005

    Ode to a Toe

    Oh Toe, we knew not how much we needed you.
    Oh Toe, we knew not the cumbersome trouble an ottoman could be.
    Oh Toe, we shall wait eagerly for your healing.
    Oh Toe, you shall not be forgotten.

    Editor's Note: Laura (my running partner) stubbed and broke her toe on an ottoman and will be out of commission for six weeks. I am heart broken, but thought her toe could use a little comic relief. If anyone knows of any running people in K.C. who can run a 12 minute mile for approximately 10 plus miles and is willing to train for a marathon with me, let me know.

    Tuesday, June 21, 2005

    Hot Dog

    Ok, it's hot. I mean, it is really hot. I think this is the hottest I've had to run in. I was supposed to run 3 miles, but I think I only got about 2.5 in. I took Tally and she's panting like crazy right now. My knee hurt quite a bit more today...not sure why...and I noticed I don't like the way my shoes are wearing. Boy, I'm full of complaints.

    I think I spent too much time today reading other marathoners' blogs because all I could think of was all the other people would think of my work out. Am I doing enough? Too much? (yah right on that!)

    My approach is based on the philosophy that I would rather be underprepared and show up on September 24th than train too hard and become injured and never make it. (Which, by the way, I'm more afraid of NOT making it than the actual marathon.)

    Route: To the park...3 times around...back to the apartment.

    Monday, June 20, 2005

    Bloggy Monday

    This is the most I've ever blogged in one day, but for those of you who are here to follow my work outs, here is an update.

    This evening I went to the fitness center at my apartment and elipticaled for 20 minutes, lifted weights and did sit ups/ leg squats.

    Then, Tally and I went for a long walk. It felt really good to get a jump start on my work outs on a Monday. I'm still running high—literally— on knowing I ran 10 miles Saturday. By Wednesday, I'll start fretting about 11...


    One of the things that is really terrific about training for a Marathon is the awe and respect I have for others who are able to accomplish great things. For me, my marathon is purely selfish. But for others, their achievements are in the name of great causes. My boss and my co-worker run marathons for the Leukemia Foundation.

    And just yesterday, my friend, Erin finished a 3-day walk for breast cancer. The walkers were all over town this weekend and it was just amazing to think about how far they went. The Kansas City Star wrote an article about the walk.

    I called Erin up this morning to find out all about her experience. She has a great attitude today, even though she admits to being in pain. Talking to Erin about her 60 plus mile journey not only inspired me that I can finish my marathon, it also reminded me that there are bigger goals out there than mine. Cheers.

    Breaking News

    According to my boss, Laura and I actually ran 10 miles as opposed to 9 on Saturday. This is exciting and funny all at once.

    Saturday, June 18, 2005

    9 miles

    No creative title today —it is what it is— 9 miles. It was quite the journey. Laura joined me. We enjoyed the varied landscape. While we saw no snakes, we did see some sort of a race going on in Corporate Woods. We joked that it would be funny if we crossed the finish line and had our picture taken. However, we still had 4.5 miles to go at that point!

    My knee hurt a little, but it wasn't too bad. Also I've been having heart burn lately and so that wasn't too pleasant.

    Also I ran by my boss (going the opposite direction) who is a master marathoner.

    Side note: I wouldn't recommend the watermelon ice gatorade to anyone.

    Route: From Roe Park to Shannon Valley via the Overland Park Trails and back.

    Thursday, June 16, 2005


    Well, I ran 2 miles. So far, no pain —well, a tad bit, but not what I thought it would be. Let's take a look at all the aids I utilized today. (overkill maybe? we'll see...afterall, I still have a long ways to go.)

    First, the knee strap.

    Second, the insoles. (I had to replace my old insoles because of the blister.)

    Third, the drugs. Thank you to Dr. Hicks for prescribing this for another ailment months ago.

    Finally, the icepack. (That I plan on using once it has properly frozen in the freezer, underneath the Lean Cuisine.)

    So, Tally is happy. I am happy and hopefully Laura will be happy that I'm going to try to stick it out for our 9 miles on Saturday.

    Route: To Park, Around 1 time, home, ice

    Wednesday, June 15, 2005

    Just a day at the fitness center

    This post is going to be uber boring. Yesterday I went to the workout room and did the eliptical for 30 minutes and lifted weights and did my knee stuff and crunched my abs a few hundred times. The end.

    Ok, maybe I should elaborate. I did the gym thing again so I wouldn't strain my knee before I run 9. I'm kind of (really) nervous about that, but I did my research and I think it's just "runner's knee" which is basically when the cartilage behind your knee starts to wear down. This is most likely do to the fact that I went from sitting on my butt a few months ago to running 5,6,7 miles one day a week and 1,2,3,4 miles two other days a week. So I guess it's to be expected.

    I should also point out a few new "user friendly" features to my blog. Toward the right you will note a link to my marathon. ~September 24~ I will continue to add more links as I go.

    Also, I have enabled posting for non-blog members. I think it works. Someone let me know if it doesn't.

    Finally, don't forget all of this is being brought to you by the friendly folks at Google down below.

    Sunday, June 12, 2005


    This weekend I was scheduled to run 5 miles. However, since my knee has been bothering me, I spent 1.5 hours cross-training instead. First, I took Tally on a 30-minute walk. I spent 30 minutes on the eliptical and a half-hour lifting weights, squats, leg lifts and sit ups.

    I feel like I did something. I just hope I'm ready for the big 9 next weekend.

    No Route today.

    Thursday, June 09, 2005

    Tally finally got to run this week!

    This very second there is an extremely hot Airedale laying on the tile by the front door. Nothing extraordinary to share. Just 3 miles. I tried these Dr. Sholls things called moleskin for my blister. They didn't work. Still in pain. Knee was hurting a bit. I'm hoping strengthening my leg muscles on my off-days will help that.

    Route: Switzer to the park; 4 laps; home (hot)

    Wednesday, June 08, 2005

    Weather Forecaster I Am Not

    Yesterday I was all geared up for 3 miles. When I stepped outside from a long day of working inside, I noticed some fairly daunting clouds drifting in. As I got closer to home, I began to obsess about the clouds and whether they would produce a thunderstorm. By the time I got home, I had pretty much convinced myself that we must be under a tornado watch and that the only safe place to run was in the apartment work out room on the treadmill.

    I left a pouting Airedale to run in the "safety" of the small gym. The room is incredibly hot, so the run was very sweaty. I found my two blisters (yes, there are two now) were really bothering me, but I forced myself to carry on, invisioning the pain and agony of the last 3 miles of the marathon.

    A few nice things about a treadmill are you can check your pace and keep it steady, (I ran the first mile and the last mile at a 11:32 and the second mile at a 12:00.) you can also focus on your stride more and make sure you are running correctly.

    I also got a chance to do some quick free weight work and sit ups, which I usually skip after I run outside for some reason. All in all it was a success, but when I left the work out room, I discovered it was absolutely lovely outside and there was not a cloud in the sky. Er...oops.

    The Route: 3 miles straight ahead with NBC's The Nightly News on T.V.

    Sunday, June 05, 2005

    Mud, Sweat & Fears

    Despite consuming quite a few beers at my cousin's birthday party last night, (Happy Birthday Abby and thank you to Emily and Dawn as the best ever hostesses and the best ever house!) I pulled it together and met Laura for our 10 a.m. 7 mile run.

    Running with Laura was great. We are old friends from high school and Laura is actually the first running partner I ever had. Now we are kind of cousins because Matt and her husband are cousins. (I met Matt at her wedding) Laura and I used to train for road races in high school. So, we met at our old meeting point, Roe park.

    Due to rainy weather, we soon discovered the trail was saturated with mud. So we readjusted our route and turned the other way. There was still quite a bit of mud running east instead of west, but it seemed better.

    It was hot and I found my sweat and sunscreen burned my eyes, but everything else was feeling pretty good. My knee did really well which I was a little worried about. I have a huge blister on my left foot that started to bother me around mile 3. I can see now why I was in so much pain.

    It was kind of fun to explore a new path. Laura and I are used to the run west of Roe and this run took us all the way to 103rd and State Line. At the half-way point we both had to visit the ladies room and with a lack of options, ended up at Royal Liquors! Ha. A nice friendly reminder of last night's fun.

    During the first leg of the run, we were following the creek and there was a bed of rocks. Suddenly I saw a small brown snake slithering along the path near the rocks. I screamed (terrified am I) and Laura who was closer to the snake, saw it at the last second and made a leaping dance over it, screaming too. The snake slithered back into the rocks and we carried on.

    We made a few walking breaks to get past mud and water obstacles and then to drink gatorade. I had to walk a bit at the end too because of my blister. I felt pretty good and strong though throughout.

    Route: Roe Park east, meandering through Leawood and eventually to 103rd and State Line.
    Snake Sightings: 1
    Bathroom Breaks at Liquor Stores: 1 (early on in my runs, before the blog, I had a bathroom break at a bar...do I see a theme here?)

    Meet Laura. She is thinking about joining me on this quest and ran 7 miles with me today. Posted by Hello

    Saturday, June 04, 2005

    Making Up & New Convictions

    Today I paid a visit to my apartment complex's work out room for a 40 minute work out on the eliptical. I was feeling a little guilty for passing up a run on Thursday to sip wine and eat cheese at Molly's aunt's house, so I decided to fit this extra weekend workout prior to my 7 mile run scheduled for tomorrow. I didn't want to run two days in a row, so I opted for the eliptical.

    It felt really good to push different muscle groups. And then I added some light free weight reps for my arms and did 130 varied crunches. I think it's really important that I include more cross training in my schedule to build muscle so my endurance is top notch.

    In case anyone is wondering, Tally got a 2 mile walk after my work out. I couldn't leave her out.

    7 miles tomorrow and I introduce a new character to my blog.

    Why I didn't run on Thursday. Hanging with Molly and the puppies. Posted by Hello