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Onward Bound

Sometimes life is tough. Sometimes life is awesome. Sometimes it a little bit of both. Either way, you have to keep going. I'll be running, laughing, crying and sharing it all here.

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    Wednesday, June 08, 2005

    Weather Forecaster I Am Not

    Yesterday I was all geared up for 3 miles. When I stepped outside from a long day of working inside, I noticed some fairly daunting clouds drifting in. As I got closer to home, I began to obsess about the clouds and whether they would produce a thunderstorm. By the time I got home, I had pretty much convinced myself that we must be under a tornado watch and that the only safe place to run was in the apartment work out room on the treadmill.

    I left a pouting Airedale to run in the "safety" of the small gym. The room is incredibly hot, so the run was very sweaty. I found my two blisters (yes, there are two now) were really bothering me, but I forced myself to carry on, invisioning the pain and agony of the last 3 miles of the marathon.

    A few nice things about a treadmill are you can check your pace and keep it steady, (I ran the first mile and the last mile at a 11:32 and the second mile at a 12:00.) you can also focus on your stride more and make sure you are running correctly.

    I also got a chance to do some quick free weight work and sit ups, which I usually skip after I run outside for some reason. All in all it was a success, but when I left the work out room, I discovered it was absolutely lovely outside and there was not a cloud in the sky. Er...oops.

    The Route: 3 miles straight ahead with NBC's The Nightly News on T.V.


    At 8:11 PM, June 21, 2005, Blogger Sara said...

    "The Route: 3 miles straight ahead with NBC's The Nightly News on T.V."

    For some reason this totally cracks me up.


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