stick it to me, baby
I just fashioned a piece of tape into a tape bubble and stuck it on my forehead. Maybe genius thoughts will accidentally get stuck on the tape bubble and find their way into my brain. Because that's the kind of week I'm having.
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Sometimes life is tough. Sometimes life is awesome. Sometimes it a little bit of both. Either way, you have to keep going. I'll be running, laughing, crying and sharing it all here.
I just fashioned a piece of tape into a tape bubble and stuck it on my forehead. Maybe genius thoughts will accidentally get stuck on the tape bubble and find their way into my brain. Because that's the kind of week I'm having.
Hello 'ello 'ello 'llo 'llo 'llo 'o 'o 'o....
The boyfriend has a cat. Well, technically his roommate has a cat, but for all intensive purposes, there is a cat at the boyfriend's house. And this has been a little unnerving to Gertie (read: Gertie's Mom who is terrified that Gertie might be even less of a vegetarian than she is.) who has never really met a cat. At least not long enough to decipher how she feels about cats. For the past month, (whee! It's been over a month!!! Look at me in the big relationship!) we've kept Gertie confined to a certain proximity of space when I've been over. She's been able to see Kitty, but always at a distance. The two have co-existed with Kitty slinking by to take a look at this dog skidding around his living room hardwood floors, licking his owner and others, flopping on people's laps and in general being the lovable spaz that she is. (That's right, Justin. I said love able spaz!)
I know you've been waiting on pins and needles for me to finish this.
I love it. My own agenda. My own rules. My own destiny. Last night I took myself out for dinner. Crisp greens tossed in a tangy balsamic vinaigrette with bites of salty kalamata olives, crunchy bread with buttery, nutty olive oil and creamy pureed eggplant, sun dried tomatoes and fresh basil nestled within the crevices of homemade farfalle. A perfect espresso to finish it off. Heavenly.
Deep down in the archives of my hotmail (*gasp!*) account, I found an e-mail I sent to my girlfriends - the SB's-during that surreal week in my life between graduation and my first job.
People make me crazy sometimes. Particularly in their cars. Particularly at gas stations. I mean, clearly, I have my own issues but I like to think my gas station manners are up to par.
Yesterday I spent the afternoon cleaning out the house I lived in with my ex-husband. It was physically and emotionally grueling. A the end of the day, I felt drained and yet cleansed. It's a task I've avoided since the divorce, but something that needs to be done. Unfortunately, there is a second house that needs to be cleaned out (long story as why there are two houses, but just take my word for it.) and so next weekend will involve more cleaning. Houses are just houses, but it's amazing the energy they take on from the time spent living in them. This house was particularly rough because the end took place there. I felt some of that old energy grip me as I cleaned. So I'm glad it's done.
I had a warm fuzzy moment about my apartment today. Actually I was at work. I keep a picture of my residence on my white board above my computer. (Wow, that's an incredibly dorky admittance.)
I've sorted out the "totalled car" situation and to make a long story short, I'm driving a car, the car, I drove in college and throughout the first part of this decade. It's a little surreal to be back in this particular vehicle, but I'm proud of myself for this decision. This car has been with me for a long time. It's seen me through college, first jobs and been with me in five states. There is something comforting in that.
My bachelorette party was a small affair. My maid of honor, Shannon and my other Stephanie took me out in Wilmington, N.C. On the whole, it was pretty calm. No naked men, male genitalia cakes, no games etc... I liked it this way. Shannon did bring with her some Mardi Gras style beads. She intended for me to hand them out to young lasses, but apparently I had my own idea of what I should do with these beads. Two bars into our crawl, I became appalled at the amount of young college-aged women grinding up on guys who could care less about the brains attached. These women needed saving. They needed beads. I began distributing the beads, with the advice, "Stay in school, don't trust men and focus on your career." It seemed everyone wanted some beads to wear. Soon, girls were coming to me asking for the beads. Now remember, even though this is a calm affair, I'm still a bachelorette and I'm wearing a veil on my head. Advice+veil did not match.
Last night my fortune cookie told me I would be exceptionally creative today. I have sat here in front of the screen trying to figure out how to make this alleged creativity happen.....nada.
Clearly the cool kids (and super awesome kids) know WAY more about this sort of concert going than I do. Apparently, I needed to cite the artist's name correctly as shown here:
Me: Hello
This morning, I stopped at a gas station on my way to work to pick up a caffeinated beverage. I'm in this particular gas station at least once a week. The lady at the counter is a very friendly and very beautiful lady from India. I noticed her beautiful henna art and commented on it. She told me she did it herself and then she pulled out her tube of henna and asked me if I wanted to try it. Well now, this is more than frapppuccino stop! Why not? So now I have a lovely vine with leaves on it extending from my wrist to the tip of my pointer finger. I also have a frappuccino.
So I completed everything I set out to do this past weekend, and I'm pretty happy about that. I'm obviously NOT happy about my totalled car. But here's a recap:
Who says January is the only time we can resolve to start fresh. I'm starting a new trend: Mid-year resolutions. And here is mine:
So three days of summer holiday happiness await me. And I'm super excited because I'm starting the weekend with a happy hour with my friend/personal sage Justin. We need to catch up. Badly.