100 Things About Me (Part I)
- If I want something bad enough, I will make it happen
- I am stubborn
- I'd skip dessert, but never cheese.
- Every night I take Gertie's bed and drag it into my room by my bed so we can sleep next to each other.
- I can't live without coffee.
- I want to be a roller derby girl, but I bruise easily and I'm vain.
- I will sometimes go see a movie just because I'm craving popcorn.
- And I never skip the butter.
- I have no poker face. Therefore, I'm an awful liar.
- I wear my heart on my sleeve, even when I'm not aware of it.
- Lately, memoirs before fiction
- In high school, I could have been Mandy Moore's character in Saved!
- I like Mandy Moore a lot.
- In Jr. High, I ran track, but I came in dead last in every 400 race I ran. One time I got third place, but it was still last and I was so proud of myself.
- My first road race was the Trolley Run in Kansas City in 1995.
- In college I made all my friends read Bridget Jones' Diary before the book was a hit and way before the movie.
- I hosted Morning Edition for an NPR station in Indiana.
- I loved working in radio.
- I want Terry Gross' job and her radio voice.
- Sometimes I wish I went to a college big enough that I wouldn't have to explain to people where it is and how small it is.
- I latch onto a song and will overplay it to insane levels.
- I am overprotective of Gertie.
- I like a firm mattress.
- And sheets with high thread count.
- I am light sensitive and sleep with a mask.
- I have a crown on my front right tooth.
- I worry about it popping off at inopportune times.
- When is a good time for your tooth to come off?
- I like spontaneous road trips.
- Especially if there is a lake and a boat involved. If not, shopping and fine dining will do.
- But I will not swim in water where snakes have been sighted.
- Or alligators. (Florida)
- One of my favorite places is the Outer Banks of North Carolina.
- I can't dance.
- I've tried.
- I still try.
- When I was a newspaper reporter, I once wrote a lawn & garden story about yard ornaments.
- And I went door to door to interview people about their gnomes and flamingos.
- Where is my Pulitzer?
- I don't like having my toes painted bright colors.
- I'd eat seafood everyday if I could.
- But if I eat shrimp and run or work out, I break out into hives and end up in the E.R.
- If I'm honest, I shouldn't eat shell fish ever. But I do.
- I hate my chin.
- But I love my nose.
- The best compliment I've ever received is that I'm quirky.
- I don't think cilantro tastes like soap.
- I've never waited tables or bar tended.
- Because I know I'd be awful at both.
- But my first job was at Baskin Robbins and I made a great ice cream server.
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