A few weeks ago, AMaria asked the RBF some very valid questions about running. It got me thinking about my running. I go out. I run. I'm done. Sometimes I run far. Sometimes I run short. Sometimes I take my dog .(it's been a while, and guess what? The dog gained weight...time to reconisider that.) Sometimes I don't. And that, is running to me.
But yesterday, I found tempo. Don't mock. I know I don't run far yet (but I'm getting there.) And, I know I'm still a very slow runner. But yesterday, it was on. Unfortunately, I can't prove it to you b/c I don't own a running watch. (time to reconsider that too.) But I promise, something was different and I really liked it. So tomorrow, it will be back to just running, but maybe we can revisit the tempo in a few days.