Snowy Saturday
Well the great hunt for Christmas gifts is over. And we are all tucked in for a snowy Saturday afternoon here in Kansas. The Jayhawks have won and all is well.
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Sometimes life is tough. Sometimes life is awesome. Sometimes it a little bit of both. Either way, you have to keep going. I'll be running, laughing, crying and sharing it all here.
Well the great hunt for Christmas gifts is over. And we are all tucked in for a snowy Saturday afternoon here in Kansas. The Jayhawks have won and all is well.
We went out for happy hour with friends last night and I was reminded for the 100,000,000th time at how funny and fun my husband is. He had the entire table laughing at his stories. It's so much fun to be around a person like that, and being married to him is even better!
Saw a commercial for this new ad campaign last night: Essentially, they are claiming that owners of Hummers help people during times of national disaster. Ok, I can get behind the idea that the occasional Hummer has pulled a car or three out of flood waters, or maybe even packed a school room of children into its passenger area to drive them to safety. But, to claim that Hummers are helping the planet? I'm thinking that is pretty far from the truth.
Disclaimer: Now that I'm blogging again, I haven't decided whether or not this is going to be solely about running. In fact, I'm leaning toward repurposing the entire blog to random ramblings by your's trulely. Not that anyone's reading anymore, but I'm just saying...