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Onward Bound

Sometimes life is tough. Sometimes life is awesome. Sometimes it a little bit of both. Either way, you have to keep going. I'll be running, laughing, crying and sharing it all here.

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    Monday, July 11, 2005

    Marathon runners in the news...

    By default I'm a news junkie. Hello, I used to be a reporter! So when I found this article, I was so excited to blog it. You see, secretly, I'd love to have one of those uber popular news blog sites where I could rehash my journalism side for millions of daily readers. Not gonna happen.

    But in other news, I do love my little niche in the world of marathon blogs, so have at it. Happy Monday.


    At 10:11 AM, July 11, 2005, Blogger a.maria said...

    cool!!! i totally watch my odometer in my car all the time, to be like hmmm... if i ran from my house to my friends house...how far. or my place to work...how far... but then i found out just how far 26.2 miles is, and i kinda freaked.
    either way, cool article!

    At 10:28 AM, July 11, 2005, Blogger Stephanie said...

    I know what you mean. One time, when I first started running distances, I was SOOO proud of myself because I ran 5 miles. I'm talking super proud here. Then, I clocked it in my car to make sure it was 5 miles and from there, I drove out to Raymore to visit my grandmother. Holy cow, even WITH my 5 miles, it wasn't even 26.2 to Raymore.

    That's when I, like you, freaked. I never did that again.

    I think that's another thing about running my marathon in KC that's kind of overwhelming because I would never WALK from downtown to Swope Park, but yet, I'm going to run there and back? Crazy.

    At 12:37 PM, July 11, 2005, Blogger a.maria said...

    ha! exactly. the joke in my office is, this one guy...he keeps being like really.. you dont have to run. i'll lend you my car. and the thing is...its true. i still say...
    WHO RUNS???????????!!!

    we're nuts. but in a good "look at me, i'm nuts" kinda way!! heh.

    At 5:51 AM, October 05, 2010, Anonymous brooks beast said...

    Your blog is very interesting, keep it up and more power! Like to read some of the old posts here!


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